Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi, my name is Misty & I am a bake-a-holic

A few months back (I like to say ‘the other day’) we decided (we = me, the buyer & maker of our food + the people who eat here) that we wanted to break up with the grocery store.  I was really bad at going there anyway so it was pretty easy to walk away “oh no, it’s not us it’s you corporate America’.  And like I said before nobody panic BC has a company Costco card he's not afraid to use so we have a back up plan in place for anything we really NEED that a local farmers’ market or Food Coop can’t meet.  And for the most part I have been happy and I have only visited my X-Store(s) twice. Pretty clean break!

But there is one thing I am running into trouble with- Snack Time, not for me for the ninja.  I’m trying not to starve her to death or bake cookies and cakes and muffins and sweet bread and... well you get the point. I've asked around and I seem to bake way more than any of my other housewife friends.  The trouble is Beach eats fruit and vegetables 24/7.  You're thinking oh poor you, your child eats only fruit & vegetables and you are bitching but hold on, the whole land of food that fills & fuels like pasta (w/ the exception of Pono Noodles), rice/the other things like rice, & even potatoes might as well be road kill where Beach is concerned.  How many times can you ask, 'would you like toast with that?' before you go crazy!?!? 

"Mom, I'm hungry!" I bet you are you fuit bat!!! Oh it gets better a fruit bat from New York City...she doesn’t like meat that isn't molested by sodium & nitrogen or not linked to brain cancer or just plain not 'linked'.  Nine out of 10 people prefer whole white chicken stripes to chicken parts mashed into nuggets; she is the one who doesn’t.  I fear she will have gout by the time she is ten! Her eating habits so extreme Fire Dad, one of her bff dad, who can stomach a lot of grizzly sights will not take her out for pizza because of what she does to it (removes the cheese and sauce and eats the soggy crust then picks through the pile of cheese to eat the peperoni).

Needless to say I don’t run a deli or a McD’s so her protein portion of dinner is comprised of a few bites or what I call a 'Fear Factor Sampler'.  Well, until she out smarted me and declared herself a Vegetarian.  Vegetarian my ass she is the one at the food coop loading the bag with breakfast sausage and bacon.  She doesn’t dig yogurt or apple sauce, occasionally partakes in cheese but not string cheese.  Nope to Gold Fish Crackers, nope to most candy, nope to fruit treats, granola bars, frosting, things in cookies, raisins, pop tarts, eats the shells of sunflower seeds but not the seed (wth?!?!)- she’s obviously not even a real child.  Sometimes I cook broccoli just so she has something she will eat for dinner.
This isn’t looking like my Grocery Store boycott is the problem.  But what is a mom to do with a Picky-Picky who is always hungry because she has the most amazing passion for fruit and vegetables but not much else?    
This is sort of explaining to me why I stockpile homemade frozen waffles and bake nearly everyday it is either that or start making my own sausages & beef jerky. Cookie anyone?    


  1. Make your own beef jerky sister! Not too hard and you get to choose what goes in it. :)

    1. I really should, it even sounds fun (& yummy!) but I draw the line on the links!!!

  2. Have you tried baking with almond flour or adding chia seeds to your baked goods? Both have more protein than wheat (I promise not to get on my soap box about wheat), plus chia seeds are packed with healthy omega's.

    My 6yo daughter use to refuse meat, until I had her make meatballs one night. She loves to mix and squish things with her hands, so I let her have at it. I also let her choose the spices (by scent). She loved them and is now our official meatball maker.

    With all the food issues, I don't do enough of our food prep, but I am working on it.

    1. I like the idea of almond flour, thanks! Those cookies in the post are made with Greek yogurt :) and they are really good!!!
