Saturday, June 2, 2012

here comes Uncle Rob

So last night at 2 am sitting in my car in the driveway I was attacked by a cat who was just as surprised as I was to find me sitting in my car at 2 am.  That's not really what this post is about but I felt like telling you about it now so when my arm swells up with Cat Disease from the scratches she left I don't have to explain that at 2 am one of the Nearly-Growns who will go unnamed (now this is a service announcement) called in [literally] the free pick-me-up-or-a-drunk-guy-will-drive-me-home-card.
What we are really 'talking' about here is what happened before the call for a Mom Taxi and the big game accident which occurred in little red. When a distinguished member of the Military comes into town for a visit...
You do this: throw things, drink things, eat things 
What ya doing back there Andrew,
flexing a little muscle for the wives?
Yep, drink things. 
That is drinking and throwing!
Eat things
Holy Brandon! We had no idea.
Girl-Alex is innovative with a Steak-Pop...didn't you used to be a vegetarian or something?
Wait, want to see something really scary?
...Our future leaders.
 What is going on in that corner over there?
So sweet.
And the next second...
To the Tramp! To the Tramp!
What will they do there on the tramp?
Hopefully not bottom it out.
There was some holding, some of it was better than others. 
If you are wondering what the little guy is holding it's marshmallows- in his cheeks & in his fists!
Housewife Tip #201: To signal guest that it is time to depart start lighting things on fire.
Yep, the night he deserved.
Rob, we all want to thank you for your service to our country because we worry what it would be like if they let you loose in society...oh wait, we know what it would be like we have your brother BC running free.
And PS when the time comes; Happy Birthday from SLC.

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