Wednesday, August 28, 2013

faith in face of mini disaster

"I just don't think it is possible." those words rather than serving as an ending often mark a new beginning for me.  It is as if once out of my mouth they plow over doubt and challenge the universe around me to move out of my way.

The small series of events are trivial.  The community paper I write for offered the a chance to take a college journalism course at no cost to me (I might have mentioned it on a prior post). I am also working shifts in the Pro Shop at gym to help with the fees (might have mentioned that offer as well).  I sent an e-mail to ensure I was not scheduled for the night of the class and a second e-mail to make ensure missing the first night of class (already scheduled to work Pro Shop) would not be a deal breaker for the Professor of the course. When the scheduling e-mail came back from the gym with a calendar attached it was impossible not to noticed I was schedule for every single day I asked not to be for the whole month. I doubled checked the e-mail I sent to make sure I had not done something backward. I had not.  It was a simple error but I had to wonder why it had happened. And more to the point it made me question, can I really do all this?  We are struggling as it is.

Realizing it is harder to get then to give those much needed hours, if I were to give them up I would probably not get new ones in return. All things happen for a reason, that is one thing I truly believe. A series of e-mails between the Papers Publisher & Executive Director and myself were swapped as she tried to convince me to not give up on taking the class, ending with my reply ".... I just don't think it is possible."

Into the Pro Shop walks another gym mother... only there because she somehow had the mistaken idea she was scheduled to work but wasn't and yet... "Misty, is there anyway you and I can swap our scheduled nights next month? I can't work the night I was given."  Oh but there is every way we can!!!  

All things happen for a reason.  Now how to get a Word Processing Program installed on my computer, it looks like I have papers to write.

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