Thursday, May 30, 2013

dirty laundry

I wanted to shut out the world today and write but the forces in my world were not going to be cooperative.  I asked for one thing- since he was planning on being home would he please see to the child this morning so I might not be the one seeing to her.  In hindsight, he never actually agreed...
The clear message of his intentions that he would not be the one seeing about things with her was delivered in the form of a man and child disagreeing over a bowl cereal.  She doesn't like to eat cold cereal and he obviously has forgotten that or doesn't care, sigh~
I abandoned writing for laundry.  He appeared perplex by my sudden forgetfulness about my intent to write.  He argued for the sake of looking cooperative. He might have possibly perhaps had been willing what? He wouldn't answer.  Then said something rushed about 'I can't watch her all day'.  She is nine, if one was to watch her all day that would be an incredible creepy thing to do.  But we do homeschool her and she does seem to be our child.  So, I made syrup and taught fractions.  Baked bread and oversaw heel PT.  I patiently pointed at words with the tip of an eraser and cooked a whole head of cauliflower for soup, he doesn't like to eat cauliflower and I obviously have forgotten that or I don't care...
I wrote a chore list.  She crossed off the words as I wandered the garden insight of more work, something that might take me away from everything else but I found nothing.
At the back fence I remembered I had wanted to wash my gym shoes but it was too late the laundry was all finished, neatly hanging on the clothes line waiting for the sun to come out from behind the fading rain clouds.  Then I saw what walking in the tall wet grass had done, it had washed all the dirt away.
 If you need me I will be out in the tall grass laundering my soul.  And tonight we will have fresh baked bread, a lush handpicked salad, and piping hot cauliflower revenge cheese soup.

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