I am so tired I would love for the photos to speak for me but how in the hell could one not smoking crack put today together?!?! Life with BC is an adventure of biblical proportions so let's go with that....The Begot's
Field trip to Doc Brian's begot a flat tire on the freeway which begot a trip to discount tire which begot me throwing a water bottle at the semi truck driver who came within three feet of hitting Beach (& me) while crossing the street to get an ice cream cone which begot....
a spare tire
which begot a massive search for the tiny metal piece that goes inside the tire stem which begot a sad mom because that kid can't see shit including never notice the whole semi truck that nearly ran her over because the trucker couldn't not pull of a U turn across state street so he decided to turn onto the street we were crossing
which begot the collection of little metal pieces because sad mom was very helpful in pointing them out and blocking garage traffic while Beach crawled through a busy parking lot
which begot us eventually and 2 hours behind schedule to Doc Brian's place
which begot danger and wicked temptations in many forms behold filled in swimming pools & yet a diving board, hornets, spiders which begot mom's heart to hold unholy words and thoughts about BC, sharp edges which begot mom a sliced open thumb working at the home of a plastic surgeon which begot awkward and the speaking of the lords name.... several time
which eventually begot us getting all our chores done
those of us working....
which begot horses
hungry horses
thirsty horses
which begot water