Wednesday, December 19, 2012

straight to hell

We are at that point in the season where I have to explain:

Yes, we, an agnostic and an atheist, have a nativity scene for Christmas.  And it is a real nice one too, but no, it does not have a Baby Jesus. And no, it isn't some strange religious/political statement. In fact what happened to Jesus is pretty straight forward and could have happened to just about any one: he was eaten.  Moses ate Jesus.

Bad dog. 


  1. Freya's class at Montessori Community School read the The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. We read it again at home. Strange story for our family of pagan atheist Christmas celebrating selves. Freya talks about baby Jesus, and we add our insights. Was he human? Many questions.

    1. We read that too! There is a Halloween and a School year one.
      In our home one of us believes he was real and one of us doubts everything she sees, reads, and hears. Beach is given both views without judgement or force. But I would never think of celebrated a holiday and not exploring the religious/cultural artifacts involved, Pagan, Christian, Hallmark or all else. The more we know of others and their beliefs the better the chance we have to all get along peacefully.
