Wednesday, July 17, 2013

crossfit, why it should not be done in a greenhouse in July

Yes, I know not the most attractive photos of me but they are at least impressive.  And yes, I promised to stop wearing that shirt but haven't been able to give it up yet.  That is beside the point...
 The point is look at all that sweating!!!  
That is not a two-toned t-shirt nor is that water!

These horrible pic's (I am trying to stretch out without drowning in grossness) but they don't even do justice to what was going on (and taken about about 15 min. or so of chatting & cooling off!).  I was almost completely soaked head to toe. 
 All I can say is I think my plan to not check the temperature in the greenhouse when I started figuring knowing how hot it was would make it harder might not have been the best plan.  Getting busted right after I finished wasn't so wonderful of an idea either.  
"Kiddo, 'member anyone asks what the hell you're doing out running when it is so damned hot the answer is: Training for Death Valley.  It should buy you a little time before they try to lock you up..." lol! 

1 comment:

  1. nice Misty - you are never going to become more prudent - or give up that shirt. I fully support you on both accounts.
