Wednesday, June 26, 2013

you had better not have...

It was like watching dominoes falling on super 8 film. A phone call, a reminder of a photo of a rash on cell phone, and another phone call.  In a strange twist of fate I just found out I was exposed to parvovirus B19 (fifths disease) from 3 totally separate sets of children within 48 hrs of each other.  So if you are one of my friends who thinks you accidentally exposed me trust me you're in good company; all my best friends are doing it.

He writes: You had better not have.  This is a joke, right?
I respond: I’m not joking.
Him: Sets of children? What are doing with sets of children?  Never mind that is not important.  Are you at home? I know it is late I’m calling….

Halfway through the conversation joking about his nonrefundable vacation plans his tone changed, “No seriously, you should come in.”  Those are not the words you want to hear from your doctor even over the small things- so I didn’t. I ignored them.  After all the virus is really nothing to most people and even less of nothing to most adults.  The main issue to the Doc seems to be the length of incubation 4-21 days and the way it halts red blood cell production.  He worries over that amount of time I would forget the exposure, not see the signs until I was in trouble.  He was undaunted by my brushoff feeling the whole imaginary pending disaster could be headed off, “I will order the blood test.  If you test positive we will need to line up an antibody transfusion and I have no idea how long that will take I'm not a Pediatrician... can't you just stay away from sets of children?"
"I really can't, children are the best kind of sets of people around...."

Living life on the edge of the fine print.

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