Wednesday, June 19, 2013

button pushing

Friend: What are you guys doing today?
Me: I am plotting mass murder.

Friend: anyone special?
Me: LOL no, but not Beach.  But I think I am already in a better mood than 10 seconds ago.
Friend: :) good.
(and little farther in to the conversation....)
Me: Call us, that might work or we might be stuck on a family death march with BC.
Friend: lol - where to?
Me: We thought of Bells Canyon or 5th water but when TIMP Cave was offered BC said he didn't want to pay for 4 people it was too much money and that was the last straw for me. I feel like we live in North Korea (and now I have mentioned North Korea and mass murder in the same message).  

Change of plans today I think I am going to a secret federal holding site.

"If it seems the national past time has become screwing you over perhaps you are standing on the wrong ground... or you are a spy."

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