Sunday, September 7, 2014

dog days

At the end of summer some of the recreation centers open the pools up to the dogs for a last of summer morning swim. It is such a good time but it has been a few years since we have gone. Part of the reason is Little Dog doesn't swim. In fact, she is terrified of water. 
But Old Moses doesn't have many summers left so we packed up the dogs and off to the pool we went. 
Style Note:
 Beach is about to turn 11 and fashion is her big thing right now. There was more of a threat of rain than rain and it wasn't cold or even cool out but she has decided it is fall... in New York a Woody Allen movie.
Poo Little Dog!!! She was sooooooo scared! 
Beach tried very hard to get her to go in but nothing worked.
Even puppy love wasn't strong enough to get her into the pool.
Moses on the other hand....
I think at least one of them had a good time.

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