Saturday, December 22, 2012

a brief dysfunctional history of our family Christmas tree

Year one 2002:  No tree.  I was on trauma call and BC was in New England.
Year two 2003: A learning experience for a newly blended family.  Don’t ever go get a tree straight from the swimming pool at night (in winter) with 4 children it will not end well.  There will be frozen hair and crying. Lots of crying.
Year three 2004:  The year we discovered table top trees in response to a new dog and a toddler- who knew the toddler could climb like that...
Year four 2005: table top tree
 Year five 2006:  First year on the farm and the last year BC would go out in public to get a tree with me all because I drank road side tequila from an old soda bottle.  Tree Guy offered it to me, it was fantastic tequila, but I don’t remember the tree.
Year six 2007: table top tree
Year seven 2008: table top tree
Year eight 2009:  Guilt ridden over ruining Beach childhood with small trees I tried to surprised her with a big tree.  I put a little rosemary tree on the porch in front of a big fat full sized fur tree then told her to go see who was at the front door.  She opened the door loved the little tree.  Didn’t even notice the big tree.  When I pointed it out to her she hated it.
Year nine 2010: Couldn’t find a table top tree and had to fork over way too much cash to get a ‘small’ tree.
Year ten 2011: Christmas tree so small it didn’t fit in the tree stand so I put it in a fish bowl. Rocked it that one!!!!
Year eleven 2012:  Told BC the tree thing was up to him this year.  So A few days ago he dragged home a potted tree from Home Depo pronounced it our Christmas tree then told us not to get too attached to it wasn’t really ours.
Merry Christmas!!! 
Pray for snow!!!!!

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