Tuesday, November 20, 2012

this isn't what it looks like

Beach is sweet but not really child friendly
Last night at gym from far far in the back a little girl in one of the preschool classes told her young coach she needed to go potty.  Now this particular coach is the older sister of a little girl who Beach has taken classes with so naturally said sister-coach looking across the gymnasium and the 20 different ways this little girl might get squashed on the way to the bathroom, knowing she couldn't leave her class, flagged down Beach and handed the little thing off to her.
Okay, from the moment Beach took the hand of the little girl dressed head to toe in pink the parent bench erupted in laughter.  Of all children to pick!!! Beach, a shamed dog in a cone smile, dragging the girl behind her made her way around the mats, her teammates in stitches over the sight.  Beach gets them safely around a crowded Monday night on the mats to the bathroom and three seconds later without the little girl Beach pops out of the ladies room, "Mom, can you help her..." and she takes off running back to her team.
Okay my child has just abandoned it as it turns out 4 yr old girl who needs to potty and is wearing what boils down to a skin tight full body balloon type leotard.  I dash into the bathroom to find the girl standing right where Beach left her in the open bathroom stall.  I smile at her and in case you are wondering I am a grownup this child has never seen before and I am wearing a black sweatshirt that says psycho on the back (not that she can read but I am aware of this), "Do you need help?"  "Beach is helping me."  Yes, obviously she is... SO the same person who created the child who figures a preschool is not much different from a puppy and had ordered her to "Go" went about 'helping' this kid.  In the back of mind as I undress a child that does not know me is "where the hell is your mother?!?!"  I leave the stall door open and kneel down on the floor (gross) trying not to scare her or myself.

Dear Missing Mom, 
This may come as a surprise to you but little kids tend to be unpredictable and it is generally unwise to assume they don't need you near by.  I cannot even put into words how crazy I find this whole thing.  Your kid is fine but I am a touch traumatized.  Have you never watched the news?
From a Parent who is a really nice person luckily for you & my bit less compassionate Child.
After we somehow managed to get her safely on and off the pot, redressed, and hands washed I asked her how old she was, "I'm 4. I'm big!!!" She grinned.  Well you had better be because this is rough world and you seem to be at its mercy.

I saw her mom.  At the end of the hour she strolled in looking beautiful and polished. Unlike me, her hair was nicely done, clothes carefully coordinated, holding a well dressed toddler in her arms.  For all I know she was taking that hour to cure cancer or read to the blind or sit bedside to her dying mother but I suspect not and as she walked past me I said a little prayer for that kids; May she always find good people at the other end of the hand she is being offered.


  1. Ha ha! Misty! I can just picture your apprehension. It is cracking me up outloud at my computer. We're gonna have to school Beach a bit more :) Maybe if it had been Pepper she would have stayed til the toilet flushed.

    1. Sarah, It was your child who was watching for us to come out of the bathroom, since parents cannot go out on the floor, she ran over and returned her to the class. I was thinking that was the kid you should have asked in the first place!!!
