Bowling, a perfect family night activity. Soccer playing on the tv, beers on the table, and a kid who is over the moon about getting a small icy root beer for herself.
We had been trying to go bowling for months, yes literally months! Tuesday night we finally made it happen. Of course I had to reassure the 10 yr old that she would be in bed at a reasonable hour. A lie as it turns out. At 9:15 with 2 frames left in the second game she informed her parents it was time to wrap this up she had to get home to bed- she had to get up early for gym.
The list of small victories for the day:
For the first time Beach saw the mirages on the hot road. Never before has her vision been good enough for her to see them! (thank you Yellow Car game)
I broke 100 on my first game AND was bowling with a 12lb ball, not a little 8lbs kiddo one! Got stronger wrists? *Multiple small fractures from way-back-when in my wrists had left them weak and troublesome. >oh-yeah, stronger!<
BC, while on the phone playing contractor bowled a strike. Honestly?!
He also bowled a 185 in the second game!
Under the nothing new category: we were still not allowed to talk to or make noises before, during, or after Beach bowled.
Picking up a spare.
And BC breaking the no talking rule.
Bowling magnificently while on the phone.
Must have been the monogrammed screen name that gave him his super bowling powers.