Saturday, August 10, 2013

forever young

Yesterday my Beach lost a tooth at gym, I should say another one at gym. It isn't uncommon they are all there so often it is bound to happen from time to time. But it reminds me of how young she really is.
 On the edge of turning 10 she is younger in years and in worldliness than most of her friends and teammates.
She's little too.
And yet she is so capable.
Super freak strong- you have no idea!!! 
Calm and focused.
Young enough to think buying her best friend & her matching pink 80's leggins is the perfect gift! (*gift receipt included in the bag)
Innocent enough to be thrilled to get 2 pieces of real NEW (not hand-me-downs) clothing, yes, including those pink 80's leggins.  So thrilled in fact to tuck them into bed beside her at night so they would be right there to wear in the morning. 
I worry what the world might do to a child like this.
One who prefers to gather stones she calls treasures than to grow up too fast.  
One who laughs when in the dark finds herself standing way off trail in the bushes & asks, "I'm not on the path anymore am I?" Then once safely in the car announces, "When I grow up I don't think I will be driving at night." You're probably right about that little one....
I need not worry so much about her and remember this:
'Though she is but little, she is fierce!" ~Shakespeare
Perhaps the world should be looking out for her.

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