Monday, May 20, 2013

season opener: partly cloudy with scattered showers

We have been so busy over here it was time to relax.
Here are some scenes in random order from the season opener grill fest & pot luck.
 we had ice cream sandwiches

we had large animals and small animals
 we had marshmallows as appetizers 
 and marshmallows for dessert
 there was some of this, don't worry the child he has in a choke-hold isn't his...
 and there was some of this
 of course we had rides and swings
 and smirking thing :)
 honestly this ninja was grumpy but she was torn between giving me the stink-eye and looking good for the photo- they grow up so fast.
 we had moms lounging about the fire
while the dads slaved away
oh-yeah, perfect time to dismantle and rebuild the grill.
 we had ninjas or perhaps those are star-bellied sneetches...
we had food and drink
 and smoke
 where there is smoke there is fire and where there is fire there are marshmallows 
(yes, again! it was pretty much nonstop roasting)
 we had hula-hops and rain
 and umbrellas
 and games, lots of games!
And most of the time we had happy kids
(It maybe hard to believe with all these pic's there were lots of people I didn't get shots of.)

A BIG thanks to all our friends who came out to join us in and out of the passing showers! 
To those who couldn't make it we missed you but there is always next time....
Bring on the summer.


  1. Thank you!! It was so much fun. I so love the pic of Evelyn and Andrew. <3

  2. We had a great time! Thanks for inviting us!
