Saturday, October 4, 2014

leave the light on

Oh BC. Yesterday he made a mad but painfully long and drawn out attempt to get out of town and join his buddies on the hunt. I'm still not sure what time he finally left the valley. 

I do know that during vault he called the gym insisting Beach be pulled from practice to tell him where she left the 2 way radios. I first told him flat out NO, not happening- but he was so frantic I did it. 

Turns out it was BC who used them last when he went hunting for gold with JG. He happened to find them in his backpack while still on the phone complaining to me about Beach not putting stuff back...BC's bad.

You would think that would stop him from calling back to ask other stupid questions but it didn't. Each call lowering my ability to remain charming. "I love you" should not come out sounding like a threat.

In an attempt to smooth it over with me he inquired about the oil change in the van 
"Does it drive better for you?" 
"Oh-yeah SO MUCH BETTER!" 
"No. It was an oil change...."

At that point he got the hint to stop calling me at gym-work probably because I told him if he called again I was going to redo his vasectomy. 

In my defense I was sick and grumpy, a tiny bit overworked... Knowing I was being left with a semi-disaster of a house, a batch of new chickens in my laundry room, and a big kid who had a bike race in Park City at the butt crack of dawn on my first day off in over a week.

Don't worry I didn't have to take him, just get him out the door on time, Hello 5 am! 

BC parents had it from there. From the race, along with a bag of stuff BC called home saying he forgot, they are taking the boy and dropping him off to the hunting party. Cross fingers that works out.

By the time I got off work,which is a whole other story complete with plot twists, near disasters, young love, disease, an angry villain tormenting an innocence gym village, and a superhero (so not me) swooping in to save the day.... I had just enough energy left to pick the 3 of us up a large order of hot and sour soup for dinner. 

Fisher, a tad bit better with social relations and instructions than his dad is, had cleaned the house for me. 

After I dropping Poncho off in some random neighbor's yard (Yes, I have taken to do that. It's more effective than returning him to his own house. Takes his twice as long to get out & come back to our place) the kids and I spent the night sitting huddled in front of the computer eating soup and watching the Haunted Mansion on NetFlix. That was where I found BC's last departing love note.

It is the small stuff that matters the most. 

BC you really light up my life.

 (But please don't come until late Monday)


1 comment:

  1. I've never seen this little emblem before. "M+C" So sweet. It inspires me to write more love notes.
