Sunday, June 24, 2012

adventures in road kill

I would have to wonder at what point in BC and my courtship did we start calling out the names of the road kill along the highway as if they we were playing slug-bug "Deer." "Porcupine" "Skunk"
"Back the van up did you see that & was that what I thought it was?!" Yep, that is a cougar.
So we pile out on the side of I-80 and being a trained biologist I ask BC, "Is it really dead?" 
"Oh-yeah, it's dead."
He is used to this really stupid question from me. 
"But how do you know it's dead?" 


  1. That is sad and way cool at the same time.

    1. Seeing a big cat dead like that on the side of the highway was almost too much to take was very sad but so amazing at the same time.

  2. Sophie did a report on these guys in school.
    She would have cried at the side of the road with you if needed.
    So scary to be next to that much power, even if it is at her passing...
