Wednesday, October 15, 2014

surrender dorthy

I have given up on returning Poncho, the one eared neighbor dog. Right after he learned to obey "go home" he began showing up in the yard limping. I don't have the heart to keep taking him back to a home that clearly doesn't love him.  Plus, he is running out of accessory body parts.

Another item I have given up on is trying to sort out what is up with Beach- she isn't well enough to go to gym. The only way I know that is because when I told her she wasn't going she didn't freak out. Honestly, I can't remember the last time Beach missed gym. My doctor who happened to call to check-in didn't offer me a lot of sympathy on the subject. "Really, a patient that won't tell you what is really going on with her- that must bite."  

Beach is slow and looks not-quite-right. She isn't eating, isn't hungry, but isn't puking.
And yet, sure enough, 3:29 she suddenly asked if she could go to gym. I offered a compromise- she takes the day off to rest without feeling guilty about "missing" workout and I will let her carve a pumpkin.  

Then I told her if she cuts off one of her fingers she won't be getting to go to gym tomorrow either. At least she is smiling. Actually we all our, I just found that BC took the wrong cooler hunting: he has the juice boxes leftover from the party and I have all the beer.  

Yes, Poncho, you can stay for dinner.

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